Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Olvido 70 poem written today by John M. Bennett

olvido del cumpleaños

insufrido peldaño y )mucho riesgo
,mano( muerto ,summer clouds
,what brrreaks inside my hair uh
,70 nickels 70 long turds d
ropping in the crowded lake
,de ojos de ,pulmones thick
with lint ... )the 70 shivers
,the 70 wigs wall the 70
waves of linguini cooked
last week and( a neck
that never stops itching
,the 70 dimes you crawled do
wn to the sótano con sus
grillos )70( y libros
)70 x 70( y your
70 eyes gag the
burbly floor drain
your )boleto’s thin
smile spattered at the
edge ‘ ,O‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ,,, ‘

Soixant-dix les tombeaux de la boue.
- Julio C. Tello, tr. de F. Ango Secco

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